The mind is the body and the body is the mind.

I’m Emily!

Outside of learning about the mind, the nervous system, and healing, I love being cozy and reading books. I’m an extroverted-introvert, INFJ, Enneagram 3, and the only other place I’d rather be other than being home is at a coffee shop.

I’m here to help you find deep healing and experience profound transformation. I want to help you resolve chronic symptoms and suffering. I want to help you move on from from your past so you can live a life that is meaningful to you. I want to help you to be the real you.

I use a combination of modalities to help you increase your consciousness and shift out of a stuck state. Through hypnotherapy, subconscious mind rewiring, manifestation rituals, healing techniques, mind-body practices, book recommendations, and more, you too, can live a life you’ve always known you were capable of.

My story

I often joke that I became a self proclaimed expert in psychology—not by choice. I learned as a result of my own healing.

It was only 4 years ago in 2020 when I was deeply entrenched in my own suffering. I was so severely dysregulated that I would go from barely being able to move my limbs to a panic attack nearly every day. I had no self worth. I had so much unprocessed anger and grief. And it was unbearably lonely.

I ran out of willpower and all of my coping mechanisms didn’t work anymore. My body was shut down and screaming, “I can’t do this anymore!” I had no choice but to face my own trauma and pain.

I quit my corporate job and moved into my grandma’s spare bedroom.

I was at square one. I had no money, no job, and no plan.

While this seemed like the worst rock bottom of all time, I can now look back and see that it was the beginning of my healing journey.

It’s 2024 now, and I have had a miraculous, full recovery.

It took a million little things to get here. I hired a therapist. I worked with a dietitian. I cried and journaled….a lot. I hired more coaches, joined online support groups, and took online courses. I did yoga and meditation. I said affirmations in the mirror.

I learned everything I could about mental health, healing, the mind, the nervous system, polyvagal theory, attachment theory, inner child healing, trauma, the subconscious, the law of attraction, manifestation, and everything in between.

I bought every book and listened to every podcast. I didn’t know what I was searching for, but something in me knew there had to be a way out.

I fell asleep each night with a stack of books by my bed hoping and praying to feel better.

I swore then if I ever actually healed I would teach the world exactly how I did it. I kept journal entries so I wouldn’t forget what I did!

Many of the books I read mentioned the subconscious mind. Something clicked. This was why none my surface-level efforts had ever worked. All of my pain points were deeply, deeply rooted.

It all made sense. Finally.

It was 2021 when I started this blog. Even after my first year of healing, I was so excited to share the magical solutions I had found.

In 2022 I got certified in subconscious reprogramming modalities like EFT Tapping, Hypnotherapy, and Mindset Coaching through Yes Supply.

Today, I have my own apartment, I have capacity to work a full time job, I run my blog business, and I have an amazing boyfriend. I feel calm, warm, and relaxed. My mind and my body are at ease. I can take deep breaths. I have energy.

And I’m grateful every day for the journey that got me here.

I am still learning, growing, and connecting deeper with my true Self. I will continue to post the things I am learning so that others can learn and heal too.

If you want more details about what I did in my first year of healing, check out my blog post How I Overcame My Anxiety.