6 Baby Steps to Get Out of a Funk

Disclaimer: This blog post is intended to educate, inspire, and support you on your healing journey. I am not a psychologist, therapist, or medical doctor. I do not offer any medical or professional advice. If you are suffering from mental illness, please seek help from a qualified health professional.

How to feel better

If you’re feeling kind of MEH, and want to light the spark within you again, this post is for you.

Sometimes you just need a reset from a long week at work or school, being around negative energy, or maybe you just haven’t connected with yourself in a while. I’ve been there before (many times) and I’ve learned how to pick myself up out of a funk and get back on my mojo!

These are my go-to things to try if I feel off or down to get back to feeling like myself!

  1. Clean up your living space

    Whether you like it or not, your environment matters! It affects how you feel. Not only does cleaning and tidying get you up and moving, you end up with a space that is refreshed and visually less chaotic. It’s easier to live in a space that is organized and tidy, therefore making you feel just a little better about being in a funk.

  2. Eat something nourishing and healthy

    Take yourself to the grocery store and buy yourself something organic. How about a dressed up salad, or a veggie medley? Giving your body some good nutrients is not only going to give you some energy, but it gives your body what it needs to function properly! Even when you’re feeling down, eating something good for you is the least you can do to show yourself (and your body) some love!

  3. Take a shower and do your hair

    If you own a mirror in your house, you are reenforcing the crummy feelings every time you step into the bathroom and see yourself with a messy bun and sweatpants. If you want to switch up how you’re feeling, clean yourself up (reset) and present yourself in a way that makes YOU feel just a little more energized.

  4. Be cozy and relaxed

    Sometimes going out isn’t in the cards when you’re feeling funk-like—I get it. But you can still prioritize self care at home by lighting some candles, being under a blanket, popping some popcorn, and watching a rom-com! It’s a healthy distraction that will boost your mood.

  5. Call a friend

    Call up your most emotionally attuned friend. Someone who you can talk about how you’re feeling with without being judged. Getting some of these thoughts out of your mind and allowing a loving friend to respond with empathy, is the most healing thing you can do for yourself.

  6. Listen to your feelings

    If you are giving yourself all of these things and still can’t seem to shake the off-putting feelings, ask yourself, “Why truly do I feel this way?” or, “What does an inner part of me need to hear/know right now?” It could be that there’s an emotion being suppressed that is ready to come up to the surface, which is what was causing your funk in the first place. Try to allow the emotion to come up, and love yourself through it. It may be uncomfortable for a short time, but this is the best way to release it.

I hope these tips helped you reset your mood! I know feeling stuck in a funk is no fun. Comment below which one was the most helpful for you.

Emily Jane

I’m a personal development blogger, educator, and coach. I’m a certified mindset coach, EFT practitioner, and hypnotherapist.

I help women transform their lives by upgrading their self worth, releasing the past, and healing their stress response using subconscious rewiring techniques.


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