A Love Letter to the One Who Feels Overwhelmed

Hey Love,

I'm glad you're taking a second to pause. Unwind. Slow down. Allow yourself to just....be. 

Overwhelm is an awful place to be. Let me gently guide you out. 

Please start by placing a hand on your heart, and just feel. Feel your heartbeat, feel the warmth of your body. 

Next, wrap your arms around yourself. Give your beautiful self a tight squeeze. Maybe rock side to side, too. Feel the love within the embrace. 

Then, when you let go, just feel it. All of it. The stress. Worry. Fear. Doubt. Anxiety. Frustration. Intimidation. Should's. What if's. Ugh's. 

Feel the intensity. Now is a safe time to let it bubble up.  

Sometimes the overwhelm piles up so high, we can't even name what is overwhelming us anymore! It's just.....a little bit of it all. 

Take a second to tap into it, and focus on it. Can you name any of the feelings in your body specifically? What exactly are the emotions that might be overlapping into each other?

If you can name just one, maybe it's fear, give it a face, and a body. Fear is a person now, wreaking havoc inside of you. 

Go ahead, give Fear a hug! Tell Fear you hear him loud and clearly. And that he can relax now. Things are being taken care of by a spirit much more powerful than we are. There's nothing too severe that we would ever need to be afraid of. 

Maybe tell Worry that things are happening just as they should. You are loved so deeply, everything is happening for your highest good. You are vastly more safe than you could ever comprehend.

If Doubt is around, you could tell her that you are now in touch with your deep, internal knowing that you are capable of being, having, and living every single one of your desires. And they are all being drawn to you as fast as humanly possible. Truly, they are.  

And Frustration? And his fellow Should minions? Sit them down and tell them this: We now accept our current circumstances for what they are. We solely focus on our internal life now. And now, our internal life has shifted and we are seeing things differently. When we stop resisting and shift our internal lens, we no longer live in resistance. We can just be free! 

If Intimidation is towering over you, proudly sit tall and respond with the truth of knowing these 3 things: 1. You can be the most confident one in the room, and also the most quiet. 2. You don't need to be the best to be successful. 3. And once you can rip off the band-aid and show up as your true self, the whole world of possibilities unlocks for you. Take a deep breath. You can do this. 

Without you even noticing, you invited in Peace, Love, Acceptance, Confidence, and Knowing. In fact, they've been here the whole time, but you haven't been able to hear them due to all the overwhelming nonsense!

This, my love, if your highest self. She has been here the whole time. Please remember this the next time our unwanted friends decide to show up up. 

Be gentle to yourself. Be kind to yourself. Have high standards. Then, go out and make your dreams happen. 

Love, Em

Emily Jane

I’m a personal development blogger, educator, and coach. I’m a certified mindset coach, EFT practitioner, and hypnotherapist.

I help women transform their lives by upgrading their self worth, releasing the past, and healing their stress response using subconscious rewiring techniques.


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