30 Affirmations for Self Love

Loving yourself can feel really complex at first. I get that! Which is why to anyone who is just starting to learn how to give themselves love, start with affirmations.

You might be thinking, “But do affirmations actually work!?”

And the short answer is no, not right away.

Because the long answer is… We do affirmations to begin outgrowing our old self image of a self critical person. Affirmations also start disrupting old habitual thinking patterns that cause low self esteem and low self worth.

Read through these 30 affirmations to see which ones resonate with you the most!

  1. I am worthy of love and care.

  2. I deserve happiness and inner peace.

  3. I am enough just as I am.

  4. I choose to love and accept myself unconditionally.

  5. My self-worth is not dependent on others' opinions.

  6. I am grateful for my body and all that it does for me.

  7. I prioritize self-care because I deserve it.

  8. I release self-criticism and embrace self-compassion.

  9. I am in control of my own happiness.

  10. I am free to be authentically myself.

  11. I forgive myself for past mistakes and embrace growth.

  12. I am a work in progress, and that's perfectly okay.

  13. I honor my needs and take time for self-care.

  14. I radiate positivity and attract love and kindness.

  15. I am worthy of love, respect, and joy.

  16. I trust my intuition to guide me in self-care choices.

  17. I let go of negative self-talk and embrace self-love.

  18. I am beautiful inside and out.

  19. I am the master of my thoughts and emotions.

  20. I am resilient and capable of overcoming challenges.

  21. I nurture my mind, body, and soul with love.

  22. I am a source of love and inspiration for others.

  23. I choose self-acceptance over self-judgment.

  24. I am confident in my abilities and decisions.

  25. I am open to receiving love and compliments.

  26. I am at peace with my past and excited about my future.

  27. I am surrounded by love and positivity.

  28. I attract loving and supportive relationships.

  29. I am worthy of self-indulgence and self-pampering.

  30. I am a beacon of self-love and self-care.

Want more help loving yourself? Grab my FREE Self Love Glow Up Guide! I offer 17 practical tools you can use to gain a deeper sense of love for yourself.

Emily Jane

I’m a personal development blogger, educator, and coach. I’m a certified mindset coach, EFT practitioner, and hypnotherapist.

I help women transform their lives by upgrading their self worth, releasing the past, and healing their stress response using subconscious rewiring techniques.


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