How to Deeply Believe in Yourself

Disclaimer: This blog post is intended to educate, inspire, and support you on your healing journey. I am not a psychologist, therapist, or medical doctor. I do not offer any medical or professional advice. If you are suffering from mental illness, please seek help from a qualified health professional.

How to be confident in yourself

In this blog post I am giving you the cheat code to having a deep sense of belief in yourself! It doesn’t have to take years and it doesn’t have to be hard. This tool works when you put it into action.

When you believe in yourself, you become unstoppable. You are motivated and excited to work on your goals because you believe that they are within reach and that you will achieve them. 

Not believing in yourself = hopelessness. It robs you of the joy of growth and expansion. It keeps you stuck in a perpetual state of smallness. 

So many things keep us stagnant when we don’t believe that you, you, can actually move forward in an area of your life. 

And if you’re like me, which you probably are if you’re reading this post, you crave growth and expansion! Subconsciously, I believe that we’re all naturally drawn to want more for ourselves. But you have to deeply believe in yourself to get where you want to go. 

Here’s the secret to believing in yourself deeply:

Self belief is about self trust and confidence

Think of someone who is hitting their goals and celebrating their success. 

While it’s easy to become envious of people like this, don’t! They are only showing you what you can have for yourself too. There was probably a point in time when this person wasn’t hitting their goals. They were working hard like they were going to though, right? They believed they would! They trusted they were capable of hitting a goal and had the confidence to show up and put themselves out there (to some degree). 

We have to think backwards. Visualize yourself as the person who is hitting that end goal.

The girl with the great boyfriend. The successful business owner. The number in your savings account. The pounds off on the scale. 

Act like you’ve already achieved it! How would you continue to show up if you achieved this goal? Wouldn’t you be excited and pumped about it and super motivated to keep going? You would!

Journal about how good it feels to hit your goal. And get juicy with the details! Being this version of yourself will feel so good and will breed a deeper sense of belief in yourself. 

If you’re struggling to visualize the end goal, try these 7 things:

So what are you struggling to believe in yourself for? Is it going on a date? Trying to hit your money goals? Staying consistent in your business? Improving your health and wellness?

Visualizing yourself as the person who has already achieved the goal will definitely increase your self belief! But what if you’re struggling to even visualize? I created some steps below if you’re stuck seeing yourself achieving the goal. 

(Because I get it, I’ve been there too.)

If you’re struggling to visualize, there are probably some factors blocking you from seeing yourself as being successful (in any area). Read these steps to see which one helps you release what’s holding you back the most. 

  1. Stop hanging out with people who don’t believe in you.

    We tend to adopt the beliefs and feelings of the people that we are around the most. If you are around people that don’t believe in you or don’t believe in themselves, it will VERY difficult for you to believe in yourself and your goals.

    Cutting out friends isn’t always the answer (however sometimes it might be), but can you create a little distance with these friends? Maybe leave early next time you all are out and everyone is complaining? Misery loves company, and this is not the company you want if you’re trying to hit big goals! 

    And on that note, stop thinking about people who don’t believe in you! Sometimes it’s easy to ruminate on the things that people have said that make us feel small and disempowered. Replace those thoughts with images of people cheering you on. Trust me, this will not only increase your belief in yourself, but make you feel 100x better. 

  2. Release big, heavy emotions.

    If you’re struggling to get through the day because you are carrying the weight of the past, it will be nearly impossible for you to move forward. If this is you, know that I see you and that there is a way to release the heavy feelings. These emotions want to be released as much as you want them to be! 

    You can release any heavy emotion that is taking over your life. There usually needs to be deeper trauma work for these persistent, heavy emotions. There are many ways to do this, but I have had the most success with breathwork sessions, EMDR, Hypnosis, and IFS (Internal Family Systems).

    I have also done lots of EFT, Reiki, massage therapy, nervous system regulation practices as well, but these were more supportive practices to the deeper modalities that I mentioned above. Check out my post on EFT Tapping here

  3. Find a mentor who has accomplished what you want to accomplish.

    One of the biggest mistakes I’ve made is hiring mentors and coaches who don’t walk the talk. Before you hire them, vet them! Vet them well. You need a coach who has achieved the thing they are teaching you. 

    For example, if you want to make money and you hire a coach who is drowning in debt, this is not going to be the most supportive fit for you. 

    When you DO find a coach who has achieved the thing you are working toward, ask them questions. Study them. Ask them what they think about, what their routine is, and what content they consume. Ask about their friendships and relationships. How do they hold themselves?

    Having an example of someone who has walked in your shoes and paved a way to achieve your goal will inspire you to do the same and increase your belief in yourself. Because if they can do it, why can't you?

  4. Rinse and recycle limiting beliefs.

    Limiting beliefs are almost always the killer of stuckness. Chances are, if you don’t believe in yourself, there is a limiting belief that still feels true in your subconscious mind. Limiting beliefs are subconscious until we bring them into our awareness and rewire them. To rewire a new belief, I recommend reading THIS post on the 2 most powerful ways to change your subconscious mind.

    In essence, we need to link a strong emotion to a new positive belief. This will also debunk that our old, limiting belief is no longer true. 

    For example, if you think that someone like you can’t lose 50 pounds, (maybe you have inherited weight problems and take medication that causes weight gain) and you find someone online who ALSO inherited weight gain and is on the same medication as you and lost 50 pounds, you might get a huge wave of excitement because now you see what is possible for you! The new belief has been installed with a strong emotion.

    You will be able to visualize now too!

    When we eliminate limiting beliefs, we become ‘clear’ energy to receive new things. Powerful beliefs and fears will overpower any action you take. Rewire your deep beliefs and your goal will come to you 10x more easily. 

  5. Love yourself more.

    Sometimes we just need to love ourselves more. Like ourselves more. Be more comfortable in our own skin. Be kinder to ourselves when we aren’t perfect. 

    Sometimes we don’t sleep enough, people please, eat junk, and overspend. We listen to our inner critic and feel down about ourselves. 

    Loving yourself is about inviting in a gentle, loving voice in our minds and letting it be the only voice we listen to.

    I have a free guide that goes through my top 17 tips for how to do this to create a deep sense of feeling loved without anyone external. Grab it here. And it is not just about taking bubble baths! It is about transforming the relationship you have with yourself and how to show up around others. 

  6. Check your authenticity.

    Are you being your authentic self? Do you feel like yourself most of the time? 

    If you’re being a watered down version of yourself, chances are you are going to have a hard time visualizing the version of you living in a state of your desired success because it feels too far away and different from who you are now.

    How can you be more authentic? Can you talk more about the things you love? Can you wear clothes that feel more like you? Can you hang out with people that it’s easiest to be authentic around? Sometimes the smallest tweaks in this area make a big difference!

    For example, I started talking about the subconscious mind (because that’s what I’m obsessed with, duh) more in my friend circles. I assumed that no one cared, but when I started bringing it up more, more people were interested than I thought! And as a result, I was more authentic to myself. 

  7. Simply just start taking action

    Sometimes, you have to just go for it! Have some blind faith with a, “I’ve got nothing to lose” attitude.

    All of your fears may not be gone, but action cures fear. The more baby steps you take, the more you start to believe in yourself. They piggyback off of each other.

    When you take a few small steps, you can take even more small steps. Then, you can take a slightly bigger step. Then the steps get bigger and bigger and before you know it, you are quantum leaping!

    Maybe you can’t visualize the end goal yet, but can you visualize a smaller goal? If you want $10,000 in savings, can you visualize $1,000 in savings? $500? $100? See what small goal you are able to visualize and work your way up to visualizing the big goal. 

Creating a deep sense of believing in yourself is not as hard as it seems! You may need to harness your focus and put your blinders on, but I promise that if you put all your attention on visualizing yourself achieving the end result, you WILL get to where you want to go! And if you are having a hard time visualizing, I have 7 steps available to help make it easier. Now go crush those goals because you have every reason to believe in yourself! 

Emily Jane

I’m a personal development blogger, educator, and coach. I’m a certified mindset coach, EFT practitioner, and hypnotherapist.

I help women transform their lives by upgrading their self worth, releasing the past, and healing their stress response using subconscious rewiring techniques.

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