How to Manifest Anything

Disclaimer: This blog post is intended to educate, inspire, and support you on your healing journey. I am not a psychologist, therapist, or medical doctor. I do not offer any medical or professional advice. If you are suffering from mental illness, please seek help from a qualified health professional.

I KNOW the person reading this is ready for a new life! An exciting, fun, more aligned way of living.

You want the fun opportunities. A job you love. The greatest guy. A solid girl gang. More money than you know what to do with. Perfect health. You want it all!

Ultimately you want deep feelings of love, expansion, ease, and excitement that come with these external things. 

But maybe you’re still stagnant. Maybe not in your power as often as you’d like to be. Maybe you’re slipping into some people pleasing tendencies and still in fight or flight mode more than you want to be. 

Maybe nothing is showing up even though you’re doing the inner work, and the mediations. You’re ready for the love, the money, and opportunities but everything still feels…the same.

If you’re ready to shift into a higher gear and take things up a notch (or 10), this post is for you. I’m going to give you some powerful steps to help you remove any blocks and get you on your way to living fully in alignment. It's time for you to start living your best life. It all starts within.

So how does manifestation actually work?

While the world of manifestation can branch into psychology, biology, neuroscience, epigenetics, spirituality, and more—manifesting is largely based off of the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction states: Like attracts like.

This means, what you put out, you will attract back into your life in some way.

(This also dabbles into the Law of Karma, but I won’t go down that rabbit hole).

Original manifestation teachings would claim that positive thoughts would attract positive experiences. While this can most definitely be true at times, I’ve discovered manifestation is much more complex than that.

To put it simply, you'll naturally attract these 3 things without fail, every single day:

  • What you believe you are capable of having.

  • What you believe you are worthy of receiving.

  • What you believe to be true, normal, and expected. 

  • What you feel safe enough to experience. 

Notice that 3 of the 4 statements include the word believe. You attract your beliefs. 

These beliefs create your energetic coding, or vibration. When two things with the same vibration connect, it creates resonance. 

If you have a different vibration than say, a Lamborghini, then your vibration and the vibration of the Lambo won't resonate. You won't attract it. 

In other words, you attract exactly what is equal to your inner experience.

Beliefs > Vibration > Effortless Attraction

Make sense?

In many ways, you attract who you are. Your outside world is reflecting back to you your inner world. 


Now that you know how the LOA works, you’re ready to dig deep and begin attracting better experiences.

You’ll learn quickly that most of manifestation work is inner healing work. Changing your deep beliefs and healing from old wounds is not a small task. This is why I’ve committed my blog to helping people heal—because once you change from the inside out, your entire life will shift. It is a scientific certainty!

Get laser focused on yourself for at least 3 months. Go longer if you need!

So the more you can focus on your inner self and do the inner work, the faster you’re going to see the results you want.

When you make significant internal shifts it is impossible not to see the results in your external life. When you do the work, it works.

Put on your blinders and commit to a better life for yourself. I promise (coming from the other side) it is sooo worth it! 

Step 1: Compare and contrast. 

First, you need to evaluate.

What is currently in your reality that you don’t want?

Take a sheet of paper and make 2 columns. On the left, title it “Current Reality” and list out everything you’re not happy with, or what you want to improve.

Is your relationship boring? Are your finances tight and limiting? Are your friendships inauthentic? Is your job soul sucking? Is your body stuck in trauma? 

Seeing on paper the reality of your current circumstances will force you to be honest with yourself about where you’re at. No more avoiding!

Seeing this as a starting point will also motivate you to make changes and will be a reference to look back on when you start to grow from the following steps (which is SO exciting and to experience!).

Then, on the right column make a list of all the things you want to be, do and have. Title this column “Higher Self.”

What kind of relationship do you have? Who do you hang out with on the weekends? How much money do you make? How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? What texts are you getting? What do you eat for lunch? What are you doing at 4pm on a Tuesday?

Take a look at them side by side. This will set you up for your next 3 months of growth!

How to change your life

Step 2: Get laser focused on these 3 things for at least 3 months.

  1. Your identity

  2. Your beliefs

  3. Your habits

In order to get from point A (current reality) to point B (higher self) you’ll need to make some internal and external shifts. These 3 areas of focus (identity, beliefs, and habits) will drastically transform your life in a matter of months. 

Your external world is always a reflection of your inner world.

If you want big external changes, you need to make big internal changes!

I promise you can literally do anything, but it first starts within.

  1. Upgrade your identity

Identity, or self concept, simply means how you see yourself.

It’s time to upgrade your identity 10x!

Check out my blog post, The 4 Most Powerful Ways to Upgrade Your Self Concept, for a more extensive overview on this topic.  

How you see yourself will influence how you think, what you eat, how you dress, who you hang out with, how you spend your time, what you choose to watch on TV…the list is endless!

But most importantly, your self concept will change how you hold yourself. It will change your energy on the atomic level.

So if you want a brand new life, you need to start showing up differently. You need to BE different.

Start by asking yourself these questions for reflection:

  • Do you want to be someone who stays up late, or gets up early?

  • Do you want to be someone who takes risks and trusts herself, or do you want to be someone who lays low and stays small?

  • Do you want to be someone who feels sheepish around her friends, or do you want to be the life of the party?

  • Do you want to be someone who gossips and talks down to others, or someone who is full of love and optimism?

  • Do you want to be someone who procrastinates and avoids, or do you want to be someone who takes challenges head on and gets sh*t done and makes things happen?!

The answers to these questions will reveal a lot about how you feel about yourself currently and where you want to go. 

My next exercise is inspired by the Manifestation Babe Podcast (check out episode #309)!

I want you to assume the consciousness of someone you consider a role model, or someone that you want to be like. If you close your eyes, and imagine….BOOM. Now you’re that person.

How would you feel? How would you act? How would you walk around? What would your energy be like?

Practice being the new you now

After that exercise, how are you going to show up at work or school tomorrow? How are you going to dress? What are you going to talk about? 

Identity work is so powerful. The more you shift your self concept, the closer you are to your desired life!

2. Solidify new beliefs.

Hard truth: All of your current circumstances are a result of your current belief system (which creates your dominant vibration which is what attracts things into your life). 

What is a belief? Something that we believe to our core is absolutely true.

Some people define a belief as a thought that we have had over and over again (with a lot of emotion).

It’s time to reverse it. 

When you are in the process of rebranding your entire life, you need to release the beliefs that no longer serve you, and create new beliefs that do.

Your beliefs are embedded into your energy deep in your subconscious mind and nervous system. I recommend reading this post, The 2 Most Powerful Ways to Reprogram the Subconscious Mind, for a deep dive on how to change your subconscious beliefs. 

While fleeting thoughts and emotions are always going to be positive and negative (and that’s normal), your deep beliefs are what matter. Your core beliefs dictate what is going to manifest in your life. They become a self fulfilling prophecy that you’ll see in your 3D reality. 

Look at your circumstances and ask yourself, “What would a person have to believe to be absolutely true to be living this exact life?

Maybe your answers look like this:

  • It’s only possible for me to make X amount of money per month. 

  • I only am worthy of dating sub-par partners.

  • No one ever invites me to things.

  • Nothing ever works out for me. 

  • There is always something to panic about. 

  • Working for someone else is the only way to make money.

  • I will always be in bad health.

  • I am never disciplined.

Then, look at your desired life and ask yourself the same question. “What would a person have to believe to be absolutely true to be living THIS exact life?” 

Maybe your answers look like this:

  • Money is always plentiful in my bank account. 

  • Everyone loves hanging out with me.

  • Being at ease is my natural state. 

  • Romantic partners always go above and beyond for me.

  • I always feel healthy and strong in my body. 

  • It’s easy for me to accomplish my goals and make changes. 

These are the beliefs you need to start impressing on your subconscious mind. Now, you need to do the inner work toward believing that these statements are absolutely true for you.

Luckily, there are so many ways to change an old belief or impress a new one!

Here are a few of my favorites that I swear by and have radically changed my life:

  • Script your new beliefs in a journal as if they were true

  • Script your perfect day in a journal in past tense

  • Tap on your affirmations (check out my post on EFT here)

  • Listen to subliminals

  • Visualize yourself (through your own eyes) experiencing your desired reality

  • Listen to a hypnosis (read about the power of hypnosis here)

  • Make a vision board

  • Say affirmations in the mirror (here are my faves)

  • Listen to podcasts of people who you want to be like

Or…all of the above!

Truly, the more you flood yourself with images of the new beliefs being true, the better. Eventually the new belief becomes your “normal.” It becomes your truth. It sinks into your subconscious and your old beliefs fade.

You’ll begin to see things manifest in the physical. You are on your way to living out your new reality!

3. Get excited about your new habits.

Your new habits will launch you into your new reality! You now know how to do the inner work, it’s time to do some of the external work too.

It gets to be this simple: What is your higher self doing every day? Start doing those things.

Here are some habits and lifestyle changes to consider:

  • What time do you wake up?

  • How often do you go to the gym?

  • Do you cook at home or go out to eat?

  • How much water do you drink?

  • What is your skin care routine?

  • What time do you go to bed?

  • Do you scroll social media or read more?

  • How much sugar do you eat/drink?

  • How often do you clean your home?

  • Who do you spend most of your time with?

  • What do you talk about?

Add any more that are impactful to you.

And remember the importance that each habit represents!

For me, health is a big priority. Health is wealth. The healthier I am the better I will feel!

I feel so depleted about scrolling social media for so long. I’ve decided not to get on social media after 8:00pm. 

I also am very selective with who I spend my time with. If I’m around someone who is really negative for too long, it rubs off on me and usually makes me feel crummy afterward.

Remember too, conquering these habits and lifestyle changes will reinforce the fact that you are in charge of your life. Your life is not in charge of you. 

If you fall out of habit with one of these, simply jump back in. Reading Atomic Habits by James Clear might also be super helpful for you as well as you add new habits into your lifestyle.

Okay! Now that you have your list of your current reality vs. your higher self, you can dive into the deep work of quickly turning your life around. Doing the deep identity work, dwelling on the new beliefs, and jumping into new habits will quantum leap you into a new lifestyle! 

I encourage you to continue to commit to yourself. Even if you fall off track for a day or so, get back to it! I promise there is a beautiful life awaiting for you.

Emily Jane

I’m a personal development blogger, educator, and coach. I’m a certified mindset coach, EFT practitioner, and hypnotherapist.

I help women transform their lives by upgrading their self worth, releasing the past, and healing their stress response using subconscious rewiring techniques.

23 Signs of a Bad Friend


How to Deeply Believe in Yourself