How to Change Your Life in 6 Months

Disclaimer: This blog post is intended to educate, inspire, and support you on your healing journey. I am not a psychologist, therapist, or medical doctor. I do not offer any medical or professional advice. If you are suffering from mental illness, please seek help from a qualified health professional.

So you’re ready for big, massive changes? Keep reading!

Six months is 180 days away from today! That is plenty of time to change your reality.  

In 6 months, you can rewire your mind, change your identity, form a set of all new habits, and release the past that might be weighing you down. 

It may sound hard, but if you’re tired of getting in your own way and feeling small and held back, I promise you that you are on the verge of creating a whole new life for yourself. Being FED UP is the first sign that you’re on your way there!

If you’re reading this, I know you have a LOT of untapped potential hiding within you.

People make astronomical transformations all the time. From weight loss, a new flourishing relationship, an abundance of cash… If other people can do it, why can’t you?!

Your commitment and focus will determine if you can get to where you want to go in the next 6 months. If you keep showing up for yourself (no matter how many times you “fail”) and keep your eye on the prize, I promise there is a very magical life waiting for you on the other side. 

This doesn’t mean there won’t be challenges in front of you. Let’s be honest, if there wasn’t an obstacle in your way, you probably would have hit your goal(s) by now!

I have 8 steps for you to get from A-Z! This is not just a list of habits you should try and implement. There are 8 steps to follow if you want to make massive, long lasting changes in your life.

Keep reading and let me know what your ideal goal is in the comments! (I respond to all of them)!

  1. Get clear on what you want your life to be like in 6 months

It’s time to dream, baby! Make a list of what you want your life to look like in 6 months. You can find this out by asking yourself the following questions:

  • What time do I wake up?

  • What is my career?

  • How do I feel every day?

  • What do I look like? (body, outfits, hair, etc)

  • Who do I hang out with the most?

  • How much money do I make?

  • How do people treat me?

  • What notifications do I get on my phone?

I encourage you to get reallyyyy juicy with this one. Nothing is unrealistic! You are allowed to shoot for the moon. Literally nothing is impossible for you to transform into in the next 6 months (yes, nothing).

2. Listen to hypnosis, meditations, and subliminals every single day

Now, we have to get your brain on board with calling in your new lifestyle. Your brain hates when you make changes. It thrives off of doing everything the same. The more you stay the same, the more the brain thinks you are safe! When you start to make changes…the brain gets triggered and thinks you are unsafe and will bring up so much resistance to keep you in your old, familiar habits. 

The best way to speed up your brain’s ability to get on board with the changes you’re trying to make is to mentally rehearse it first. 

You can learn more about mental rehearsal in Joe Dispenza’s book, Becoming Supernatural (one of my favorites)!

The goal is to get your desired lifestyle deeply embedded into your subconscious mind. When it’s a deep belief in your subconscious, you will get there so much faster.

We want to “trick” your mind into thinking you are already experiencing this new change in this exact moment.

Related Post: The 2 Most Powerful Ways to Change Your Subconscious Mind

Once your desired reality is in your subconscious, you will naturally be drawn to it! That’s how powerful the subconscious is. We are always drawn to what beliefs we believe are absolutely true and what our familiar is within our subconscious mind. 

Wouldn’t it be nice if you naturally craved going to bed early? Cooking nutrient dense meals? Hitting the gym at 5am?!

And what if eating sugar grossed you out? And sleeping in just wasn’t something you were interested in doing EVER!?

These shifts are all possible when you reprogram your subconscious mind!

3. Ditch cheap dopamine.

Cheap dopamine = instant gratification.

Examples of cheap dopamine includes scrolling, sleeping in, eating sugar, snacking, watching TV, etc. Anything that sucks you in and gives you a quick hit of satisfaction, has to end. These habits only make you feel worse later. 

These are hard habits to break. Your dopamine/reward system is designed to keep you wanting MORE and wanting it NOW. However, when we get the dopamine release too quickly and too often, it lessens our self discipline and feelings of natural drive and motivation. 

Not to mention, the more you give in to cheap dopamine, the less positive joyful feelings you’ll get when achieving a goal. 

So if you’re trying to change your life in 6 months, one of the best things you can do instead is delay your gratification and engage in activities that produce real dopamine (like being outside, exercising, reading a book, accomplishing tasks, etc). 

This will make you feel so much better in the long run and keep up your perseverance to keep going. 

4. Practice your new habits. 

It’s time to give your new habits a test spin. While you continue to program your mind and release bad habits, try stepping into your new, desired habits.

Will you be perfect at it every single day? No. And will you revert back to your old habits at times? Yes.

This is nothing to beat yourself up over (even though we’re all guilty of it). Remember, this is your brain hard at work trying to keep you stuck in your old, familiar habits. 

The way to beat this is: Keep showing up for yourself and trying to make the new habits, well, a habit! 

Related Post: My High Vibe Sunday Reset Routine

I promise, over time it gets easier and easier. And when you revert back to your old habits after a while of doing the new habit, you’ll remember why you didn’t want to do it anymore!

For example, if your goal is waking up at 5AM and you do it consistently for 14 days, and then on day 15 you sleep until 9AM, you’ll remember why you set the goal in the first place. It feels GOOD to wake up at 5AM, be productive and start your day off focusing on YOU.

So whether you want to wake up earlier, work out more often, or eat better, just start doing it! 

5. Optimize your external environment.

If you’re serious about changing your life, you’re going to want your appearance, home, and lifestyle to reflect your new reality. 

Does your 6 month end result self wear sloppy outfits and have unbrushed hair? 

Does she have a messy house, and disorganized closets?

Does she keep soda and candy in the pantry, in her purse, and in her work desk?

Probably not. 

Dress like you’re serious about your goals. Get your nails done, do your hair, put on your self tan and wear outfits that feel like YOU. When you feel confident on the outside, you will show up in big ways!

Clean your house like you are so proud of everything you own (even if you’re not right now). Organize your life so you can move so much easier throughout your day!

Keep your weights and gym shoes out where you can see them. Always have healthy snack options around. And please, throw away your junk food!

The point of changing your environment is to encourage your new end-goal-self to show up in new ways. These subtle changes make a big impact when it comes to routine.

6. Reevaluate your circle + hermit if you need to.

Sometimes making big changes requires some difficult decisions. This includes choosing who you spend your time with. 

If you’re constantly in places with unmotivated, negative, uninspiring people…guess what. That’s going to rub off on you. 

But when you are around people who wake up early, eat healthy, make money, are kind,  and are shooting for the moon, it will also rub off on you! It will motivate you to do the same.

Again, this is just how your brain works. It wants to fit in and connect with the people you’re around, or your “tribe.” This, from an evolutionary perspective, is for your survival. 

Thousands of years ago, if you wandered off away from your community (AKA did something very different from everyone around you), you would have a very low chance of surviving. It took group efforts to supply food, water, and shelter. 

Our brains today are primed the same way. If we leave our circle of friends (you probably won’t die of starvation, lol) but you might feel really intense feelings of loneliness, rejection, not belonging, and probably a little bit lost. 

Which of course…no one wants to feel these feelings. 

Related Post: 23 Signs of a Bad Friend

The obvious solution is then of course, to find a tribe that aligns with your goals!

You could find new people by signing up for classes in your local area like fitness or breathwork classes to find a new group to hang out with. 

You also don’t need to completely cut out everyone else from your life. You might just want to limit the time you spend with the negative people, or prioritizing a new, more uplifting person or group.

What about if I have to be around negative, judgmental, uninspiring people?

If you’re around negative people at work or school, you can put your headphones in or sit in another seat if possible. 

If you’re stuck around someone who is negative or bringing you down in some way (trust me I’ve been there), maybe it’s a coworker you have to work with directly, a rude client or teacher, a family member that you live with, or even your partner, it’s still not impossible to make a new life for yourself in 6 months. Harder, yes, but not impossible. 

For these circumstances, there is only one way to not let it bother you. You have to detach from their energy and stay laser focused on your goals. 

When you keep your focus on your goal, everything else will fall away. I think in many cases, the negative person is not that important anyway!

Brush off their rudeness like you don’t have time for that! Because you don’t ;)

Act like you don’t care, it doesn’t bother you, and you have better things to do. Your life is amazing and negative, judgmental people are just an eye roll and then you move on!

Keep doing your thing, focusing on your goals, and making yourself the priority. Other people have accomplished amazing transformations amidst being around toxic people, so can you!

7. Let go of the past and your old identity

Sometimes the past gets in the way of hitting our goals. Our past beliefs, wounds, and identities can have a really tight grip on us sometimes. 

Maybe some of the bad habits you’re trying to break in the first place are responses to your past.

Maybe if you have limiting beliefs like, “Everyone will judge me if I achieve my business goal,” or, “I’ve always been told I suck at cooking so why bother learning how to?” 

Hard truth: These limiting beliefs will keep you stuck not moving forward.

Why? Because your internal world is always going to be a filter in how you show up in the external world. That’s just the power that our self concept has. 

For example, if you see yourself as a lazy person, but you’re now trying to go to the gym every day, you will probably experience so much self sabotage. This is simply because your self concept (or identity) doesn’t match the behavior. 

Related Post: The 4 Most Powerful Ways to Change Your Self Concept

So you must let go of the past version of you in order to step into the new version of you who has achieved your goals. 

You can change the way you see yourself by journaling your ideal reality. My favorite prompt is: I’m just the type of person who…..(insert ideal goals).

You can also listen to meditations that focus on self image, self concept, and identity. Find one on YouTube that matches your goal! 

You can also make a vision board of your new self concept! Looking at it every day will imprint into your subconscious so you can begin showing up in new ways as the new version of yourself. 

8. Release any emotions that are weighing you down. 

If you have emotions that are weighing you down and causing resistance, it’s time to release those too. Emotions could be lingering from childhood that are simply just stuck in your  nervous system. This can cause dysregulation, keeping you stuck in survival states of high stress (anxiety) or deactivation (depression). 

You can begin regulating your nervous system and releasing stuck emotions by taking a breathwork class or by using EFT Tapping! These body-based practices help you release the emotions that have not been fully processed. 

Related Post: What is EFT Tapping and does it really work?

If you think you might have some childhood wounding that is keeping you stuck and not achieving your goals (this could include limiting beliefs, fears, and poor self image) you might need to do some deeper inner work. 

But don’t fret, this is still something that you can radically change in the next 6 months!

You can try journaling or visualizing your inner child. You might want to give him/her a hug and tell them the things they need to hear. 

I also recommend reading a book on inner child healing to learn more about how your childhood affects you and how to release its affect on your adult life. 

Related post: The Best 10 Books for Inner Child Healing

So once you get clear on your goal, rewire your subconscious with hypnosis, ditch the cheap dopamine hits, practice new habits, optimize your environment, reevaluate the circle of people you’re around, form a new identity, and release any stuck emotions…voila! You’re staring at your goals fulfilled. 

Your dream business. 

Your perfect partner.

Really deep, feel-good warm and fuzzy feelings. 

The money you know you deserve to have. 

The opportunity of your dreams. 

A sense of accomplishment from being disciplined. 

You could be 6 months away from all of those things being your actual life!

So I invite you to take notes, and get started! I know you can do this. 

Don’t forget to add your goal in the comments and I’ll give you some personal encouragement!

Emily Jane

I’m a personal development blogger, educator, and coach. I’m a certified mindset coach, EFT practitioner, and hypnotherapist.

I help women transform their lives by upgrading their self worth, releasing the past, and healing their stress response using subconscious rewiring techniques.

My High Vibe Sunday Reset Routine