My High Vibe Sunday Reset Routine

Disclaimer: This blog post is intended to educate, inspire, and support you on your healing journey. I am not a psychologist, therapist, or medical doctor. I do not offer any medical or professional advice. If you are suffering from mental illness, please seek help from a qualified health professional.


Nothing feels better than starting off your week refreshed, rejuvenated, and prepared!

There are 25 things I like to do every Sunday to make sure I have a week that keeps me aligned with my goals. I want to stay healthy, organized, and inspired and that’s exactly what this routine allows me to be throughout the week.

You’re going to want to make sure you hit all of your mindset and manifestation rituals, cleaning routines, nutrition goals, and (of course) make time to relax and be cozy!

Start with a healthy morning routine that includes your morning workout routine and a nutritious breakfast. Then you’ll probably need to run some errands and get some things checked off your to-do list. From fitness to self-care, this reset is designed to boost your vibes, get into alignment, and manifest a great week as your highest self!

Here are my 25 steps to being productive and relaxing on a Sunday!

  1. Sleep in-ish

    Make it a slow morning and let your body catch up on rest. Embrace the extra sleep to start your day feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. But don’t sleep in too much or else it will be hard to fall asleep in the evening. 

  2. Review your goals

    Read or journal your goals! Do some EFT tapping and remind yourself of your affirmations. This will start out your day in your power and in alignment. 

  3. Put on some makeup

    Give yourself a confidence boost for the day by putting some makeup on! I am always more productive and feel better when I’m looking my best. 

  4. Do a solid workout

    Get your body moving with a workout that makes you sweat, gets your heart rate up, and makes you feel strong. It’s a great way to energize yourself for the rest of the day and the week. 

  5. Chug water

    Give your body some love by drinking a ton of water. It’ll keep you feeling healthy and hydrated. 

  6. Eat a protein packed breakfast

    Fuel up with a hearty, protein-rich breakfast to keep you full and energized. It’s the perfect way to start your day right.

  7. Go to the grocery store

    Head to the store and stock up on everything you need for the week. It’s all about setting yourself up for success with a well-planned shopping trip so you’re not scrambling throughout the week.

  8. Run errands/do things you’ve been putting off

    Who doesn’t have random errands to catch up on? Tackle those errands and tasks you’ve been avoiding. Clearing your to-do list will make you feel so much better going into the work/school week. 

  9. Play subliminals while doing things around the house

    Subliminal music is music that is usually instrumental, but includes affirmations at such a high frequency, you can’t consciously hear it. However, your subconscious mind can and it will impress new beliefs into the subconscious and allow your perspectives to shift!

  10. Put away groceries and meal prep

    Unpack your groceries and get your meals ready for the week. Organize and plan so you’re on top of your nutrition goals for the week ahead. It makes for less work throughout the week, too. 

  11. Clean out your fridge

    Start fresh by clearing out old items in the fridge. It’s a great way to stay organized and keep your food fresh.

  12. Take out the trash and recycling

    Empty the trash and recycling bins to keep your space clutter-free. It’s a simple task that makes a big difference in maintaining cleanliness.

  13. Clean surfaces

    Wipe down all the surfaces in your home to keep things bacteria and residue free. It’s amazing how a little cleaning can make your space feel new and fresh. 

  14. Vacuum and swiffer floors

    Give your floors a good vacuum and swiffer to get rid of dust and dirt. Clean floors can instantly make your home feel tidier. It’s also just good upkeep, especially in the winter months. 

  15. Clean the bathroom(s)

    Scrub the toilet and the shower, wipe off the mirrors, and disinfect the sink and floors. This is the best way to freshen up the bathroom going into the week. I mean who wants to use a dirty, gross bathroom?

  16. Wash your sheets

    Throw your sheets in the wash for a cozy, clean bed to crawl into later. There’s nothing like climbing into fresh, nicely scented bedding at the end of a long day.

  17. Do the laundry AND put it away

    Laundry is always one I put off, but I feel so much better when it’s done! Do a few loads and put everything away neatly. It’s so nice to have everything clean and ready to go for the week.

  18. Listen to a hypnosis

    Listening to a hypnosis track on YouTube is something I don’t skip! I’m always in the process of upleveling and I do this by rewiring my mind and self concept. This is the best way to do it!

  19. Take a nap (optional)

    I love the luxury of taking a midday nap. Play subliminals or a meditation to reprogram your subconscious mind and lay down for a 30-90 minute nap.

  20. Catch up with a friend

    I also save some time on Sunday to call one of my friends! Most of my friends are long distance (who can relate?) so I try to FaceTime and connect with a friend most Sundays. 

  21. Eat a yummy home cooked meal

    I always feel best after a solid, nutrient dense home cooked meal. This is best way to begin wrapping up the day.

  22. Take an everything shower

    Treat yourself to a long, relaxing shower where you can unwind and refresh. Do your hair mask, shave everything and, of course, just enjoy some time standing in the hot water.

  23. Do your night time glam rituals

    They say the uglier you go to bed, the prettier you’ll wake up! Put on your fake nails, the fake tan, and the heatless curls. It feels so good to look your best and to be put together in the morning. 

  24. Snuggle up with a book

    Light a candle and curl up with a good book and enjoy some quiet time. It’s the perfect way to unwind and prepare your mind for bedtime.

  25. Go to bed early

    Hit the pillow early to ensure you’re well-rested for the week ahead. A good night’s sleep will set you up for a successful, early Monday morning!

That’s a lot of steps, but honestly, I love this Sunday reset routine. When I stick to it, I feel SO much better throughout my week. I love a clean home, a glammed up presentation, and a positive mindset. These things never fail to give me a running head start to my week!

Emily Jane

I’m a personal development blogger, educator, and coach. I’m a certified mindset coach, EFT practitioner, and hypnotherapist.

I help women transform their lives by upgrading their self worth, releasing the past, and healing their stress response using subconscious rewiring techniques.

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