The 2 Most Powerful Ways to Change Your Subconscious Mind

Disclaimer: This post should not be taken as medical advice. Please contact your healthcare provider for any specific health issues. 

If you can’t tell, I’m obsessed with the subconscious mind! I love learning about it, how it works, and how to change it. 

In 2021 I took the leap and got certified in NLP, hypnotherapy, EFT tapping, and a few other modalities. These are all subconscious mind modalities!

What did I learn?

A lot of things, but mostly that the submind is really freaking powerful and we have the ability to change it.

Today I’m going to review:

  • A brief overview of the subconscious mind

  • Why does this matter—how your problems may stem from the beliefs in your subconscious mind

  • 2 powerful ways to change the subconscious mind

Subconscious Mind Overview

So maybe you already know that our conditioned beliefs and identity (or self concept) live within the subconscious mind.

You can learn more about how self concept affects your entire life in my recent blog post, The 4 Most Powerful Ways to Change Your Self Concept.

Anyway, your subconscious mind remembers every memory you’ve ever had (even if you can’t consciously recall the memory).

From these memories, the subconscious mind creates beliefs about the world and who you are.

The subconscious mind is very literal. A few examples are:

  • love = pain

  • money = hard to get

  • me = not capable of anything

  • Nice things = not for me

As dark as this may seem, a lot of people walk around with these beliefs floating in their subconscious mind.

Also, you don’t start developing a conscious mind (the thinking brain) until your about 7 years old.

So these literal beliefs I just mentioned? Those were impressed into your submind by age 7.

That’s a lot to take in as a 7 year old.

Unfortunately, this stamp causes us to repeat the same painful patterns over and over again.

Then we walk around the rest of our lives with these DEEP beliefs about ourselves no matter how true or untrue, logical or illogical it may seem to our evolved adult brains.

Have you ever had a weird dream that made no sense? Those come from your subconscious mind, too.

These beliefs run our lives. The subconscious mind makes up for about 95% of the brain. This means that what we do, the decisions we make, how we react, what we are drawn to, what scares us, and more, all are stemming from these subconscious programs.

I like to think of our subconscious mind as a computer program, or software. Once you change the program, the entire computer runs differently.

Are you starting to see how much power your subconscious mind has?

Why does this matter?

If you are someone who has suffered from painful repeated patterns of rejection, chaos, disconnection, unhealthy relationships, hard work and no money, loneliness, etc….you probably have a belief that is running your life.

*Side note. Notice how I said repeated patterns. We all will face adversity throughout our lives. That is inevitable. However, I’m talking about the situations that we are stuck in that become painful patterns.

For example, maybe you date the same “type” of person over and over and over again. Or, you work hard, change jobs, try to save and always end up with no money in your bank account. This is a subconscious program at work.

When we believe things are just “the way it is” for us, there’s another belief or belief system at work.

Despite this, I have good news for you. We have the power to reverse these beliefs, which will radically transform our lives.

2 Powerful ways to change the subconscious mind

There are a lot of ways to change the subconscious mind. If you want to get there quickly (without shocking your nervous system) the two most powerful ways to impress new ideas, suggestions, or beliefs on the subconscious mind is through repetition with emotion, or hypnosis

1. Repetition with Emotion

Remember, the beliefs you currently have were formed from circumstances early in your life that created a strong emotional imprint on your subconscious mind. It stamped your current beliefs, that have then created the reality you see in front of you today.

One of the ways we transform the submind is through repetition with new, strong, positive emotions. 

If you are someone who feels stuck in an unhelpful pattern, you probably had an emotionally painful experience that formed the belief that is causing the pattern.

For example, if you are struggling with making money, you probably have had many painful experiences that involve not having enough money when you needed it or wanted it

The belief might be: “Money is hard to come by and I will always be broke.”

If you were to simply make an affirmation like, “I am wealthy,” the subconscious mind would reject this thought as truth because it does not align with the current belief that you have: Money is hard to come by and I will always be broke.

The point? The subconscious mind will always override your conscious thoughts, unless there is a new, strong emotion attached and this new emotion is repeated.

The new, strong emotions can impress new ideas and suggestions into the mind that sink into the subconscious mind allowing new beliefs to form. So instead of just thinking, “I am wealthy,” you’ll need to go a bit further with it by adding an emotion. 

We can do this is through mental rehearsal (also called visualization).

Imagine you get a raise out of nowhere. Imagine you receive an unexpected check in the mail. Imagine your business takes off and you have more money than you know what to do with.

How would you feel? You need to get excited! Jump around and allow the strong emotion to consume you. This is sending a message to the subconscious that you are inviting in the new belief that, “Money can come easily to me. I have more than enough.

You can also simply celebrate the small victories that you are already experiencing in your reality that you might currently be overlooking. Maybe you stumble over a penny, or manage to get a couple bucks off of your grocery bill. Make a point to think, “See!! Money comes to me naturally!”

This is a powerful way to send new messages to the subconscious mind that will eventually become your beliefs. 

2. Hypnosis

What is hypnosis? To be brief, hypnosis is similar to meditation–you access a different state of consciousness by deeply relaxing. The goal is to reach the theta brain wave length to completely shut off the conscious mind.

This way, you are able to invite in new information that will speak directly to your subconscious mind, without any filters from your conscious mind getting in the way.

Hypnosis is my preferred method of the two, since it can typically work much faster and requires less work.

One way to try hypnosis at home is to test out a couple YouTube videos. Try searching, “Hypnosis for [BLANK].” You could try sleep, anxiety, stress, improving self esteem, hitting your goals…..anything!

When you are in a state of hypnosis, you become very susceptible to new ideas and therefore, form new beliefs!

If you imagine yourself hitting your goal, the new belief of “I’m capable of achieving X goal” will automatically be imprinted on the subconscious mind.

The best time to do hypnosis is first thing when you wake up or right before you fall asleep.

And use headphones if you can! I works bettern ad shuts off any distractions.

If these options aren’t possible, hypnosis can also be practiced during the day or through a speaker.

Anything with 4-8 Hertz music in the background is preferred as well. 

Here are a few of my favorites to fall asleep to:

One last tip

Something I also highly recommend doing is booking a hypnotherapy session with a certified Hypnotherapist. While I am a certified Hypnotherapist, I am currently not taking 1:1 clients.

When I had my hypnotherapy session, I was  MIND BLOWN at how transformative it was! Most hypnotherapists will cater to your needs and ask what you’d like to impress in your subconscious mind.

If you’d like a recommendation for the hypnotherpist that I saw, send me an email at and I am happy to give you more information.

If you try either of these, send me an email or coment and let me know which one was your favorite!

Emily Jane

I’m a personal development blogger, educator, and coach. I’m a certified mindset coach, EFT practitioner, and hypnotherapist.

I help women transform their lives by upgrading their self worth, releasing the past, and healing their stress response using subconscious rewiring techniques.

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