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A Beginner’s Guide to Healing Trauma: Stages of Recovery & Things You Should Know
Are you ready to start healing from your past? In this brief guide I go over the likely stages of healing you may go through as well as some really important lessons I have learned and wish I'd known sooner.
How to Make Change Feel Easier
Wondering why change feels so hard? Learn why the brain hates change and how you can go through changes and form new habits so much easier.
What is EFT and Does it Really Work?
What is EFT tapping? What are the benefits of EFT? What are common things people tap on? How do I do EFT? How often should I do EFT tapping? Does EFT tapping really work?
4 Uncommon Reasons Why You Might Be Stuck in Survival Mode
If you're stuck in the fight, flight, freeze, or fawn response (also called survival mode), this post offers 4 commonly unmentioned reasons why that could be. If you’ve tried seemingly everything to regulate your nervous system, these 4 reasons might be why you’re still stuck being dysregulated.