11 Things To Do Right Now To Increase Your Self Worth

Disclaimer: This blog post is intended to educate, inspire, and support you on your healing journey. I am not a psychologist, therapist, or medical doctor. I do not offer any medical or professional advice. If you are suffering from mental illness, please seek help from a qualified health professional.

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Table of Contents

    What is self worth?

    Self worth means how much you value yourself. 

    Worth = Value

    Someone who has high self worth, sees how much value they have and they act accordingly. 

    They know that they are not a cheap commodity. They carry themselves high, know how much they bring to the table, and don’t put up with anyone’s BS. 

    Someone with low self worth puts everyone else above themselves, because they don’t see themselves as valuable. This can be really frustrating and painful to experience. 

    Below are some signs that you are experiencing low self worth. 

    Signs of low self worth:

    • People pleasing

    • Saying yes to everything

    • Overbooking your schedule

    • Being available for others at all times

    • Over-listening

    And as a result, you might experience the following:

    • People treat you like their back up option

    • People disrespect you often

    • You make a low income

    • You don’t get asked on second dates

    • You feel like the outlier in your friend groups

    • You don’t get invited to things

    This is so awful. You don’t deserve to be treated this way. As someone who has transformed from someone with low self worth to high self worth, these are the 11 things you can do starting NOW to raise your self worth. 

    11 Tips to Raise Your Self Worth

    1. Give yourself compliments.

    This could also called “positive self talk.” Basically, stop being so hard on yourself all the time and hype yourself up like you would a bestie!

    Maybe you’re not calling yourself bad words (or maybe you are), but you’ve got to build yourself up, too!

    Here are some examples:

    • “You have a great smile.”

    • “I love your laugh!”

    • “You’re doing amazing!”

    • “I love the way you [do literally anything–walk, eat, carry yourself, etc.].”

    • “I’m proud of you for sticking this [hard thing] out!”

    • “I love the way you keep showing up for yourself.”

    • “I think it’s commendable that you’re willing to grow.”

    (These are great things to say while tapping, too!)

    Related Post: What is EFT Tapping and Does it Really Work?

    Basically, the way YOU see you is what matters most. If you want to walk around feeling limitless, on top of the world, without caring what anyone else thinks, you have GOT to start speaking to yourself with high praise!!

    Eventually these compliments become deeply wired beliefs. 

    Related Post: How to Deeply Believe in Yourself

    Suggested Read: You are a Badass by Jen Sincero - Thank you for your support!

    2. Stand up for yourself at work.

    I know someone reading needs to hear this one! 

    If you’re getting pushed around at work, that stops now. There’s no reason that anyone should be disrespecting you at work. 

    You can kindly and assertively start standing up for yourself. 

    Here are some examples:

    • “That’s not enough time for a turnaround. How about tomorrow at 3pm instead?”

    • “You’re not being clear. Can you please say it in a different way?”

    • “I’ve already sent you that, it’s in your inbox around 10am this morning.”

    • “I don’t have the bandwidth to do that right now. Maybe X person can help?”

    • “No!”

    It also really matters the tone you use. 

    If you say it confidently and say it assertively, you’ll probably get respect in return!

    If you say it timid and nervous, you may get an unfriendly response (AKA more disrespect). 

    Either way, if you want to increase your self worth, you have to start respecting your own time, boundaries, and feelings. HAVE. TO. 

    Anyone with high self worth WILL NOT allow anyone to take advantage of them, and that includes at work!

    3. Set boundaries with friends. 

    This is another big one that sends out a really strong message that you have high self worth. 

    You need to start setting boundaries in friendships. This includes what you do, how long you hang out, and how frequently you see this person/friend group. 

    Some examples of someone without boundaries with friends might be:

    • You always travel to their part of town when you hang out. 

    • You always listen intently and talk about their problems. 

    • You stay out later than you wanted to because everyone wasn’t ready to leave yet (even though you wanted to get to bed early).

    • You answer the phone when they call you 3x per week (or even weekly/monthly can be too much with some people!).

    Related Post: 23 Signs of a Bad Friend

    These actions will lower your self worth and how you view yourself. 

    It’s time to flip the script!

    If you want to raise your self worth, start setting boundaries with friends and honoring what you want!

    4. Make your standards clear in new relationships.

    This is something I learned the hard way. 

    You have to set the standard from Day 1 in a dating relationship. 

    And PLEASE set the bar high!

    If you allow the person you’re dating to blow you off and not listen while you do all the work in the relationship, it will not change later on. 

    You need to make it very clear of what you allow, and what you don’t allow in a relationship. 

    If you want to communicate your high standards in a relationship, I suggest following these guidelines:

    • Don’t over-listen.

    • Don’t agree to always drive to their part of town.

    • Don’t cancel your plans to hang out with them (no matter what it is).

    • Don’t talk on the phone too late and avoid sleep. 

    • Don’t be the one who always makes the plans. 

    • Don’t fake laugh if their jokes are rude or disrespectful. 

    • Don’t agree to always do what they want to do (and never what you want to do)!

    These actions communicate: I value myself a lot.  

    And in the beginning of a relationship, you should be valuing yourself above them. I mean, you don’t even know them yet!

    This will show them that you have high self worth and value yourself. 

    Suggested Read: Why Men Love Bitches by Sherry Argov - Thank you for your support!

    5. Decide when people have access to you.

    If you are always responding to work emails until 11:00pm, and texting people back at 6:00am as soon as you wake up… You are telling people that they can have access to you whenever they want!

    For me, I don’t respond to texts between 10pm - 9am. That is time I set aside for me and my sleep routine.

    Because why? I value my time, my self, my sleep, my energy…..my self. I don’t want anything else to focus on during that time. 

    Try out these affirmations to make setting boundaries easier:

    • My time is valuable

    • My energy is precious

    • My health and hygiene come first

    • I take care of myself before I take care of others

    Related Post: 30 Affirmations for Self Love

    Think about it like this: It is my job and my job only to take amazing care of myself. If I don’t, then I can’t show up as my best self for anyone else. 

    If you want high self worth, start setting boundaries with your time. YOU get to decide who has access to you and when!

    6. Dress to express. 

    This will mean something different to everyone (and you may even disagree with me), but in my opinion, someone with high self worth puts effort into the way they present themselves to the world. 

    Someone who has high standards will show up wearing or styling their look in a way that says “This is me! This is who I am!”

    It doesn’t matter what your style is—a little effort goes a long way.

    Before anyone can get to know you, they will probably see you with their eyes first!

    Ask yourself: What do I want someone to think about me, just by looking at me? What first impression do I give off?

    Putting effort into your appearance can do wonders to how you feel about yourself, too. 

    Presentation will 100% increase your self worth!

    7. Schedule time by yourself. 

    Someone with low self worth might always be running around being busy and spend all of their time with other people and doing things for others.

    When’s the last time you did something for you (and only you)?

    Spending time alone is essential. It allows you to recharge, do the things you enjoy, and sit in your own energy.

    Before you book up your weekly calendar, schedule a night for you. Just you!

    And if something pops up, don’t agree to go and cancel on yourself!

    Making time for you and only you shows immense self worth. It shows how much you value yourself, being in your own energy, and filling your own cup!

    Related Post: The 4 Most Powerful Ways to Change Your Self Concept

    8. Spend $$ on personal growth.

    If you value yourself, you will definitely be investing in your own personal development. 

    This is not a sign to spend irresponsibly, but within your means, what can you invest to better yourself and grow?

    This can be 2 fold–some people with low self worth spend ALL of their time and money working on self development (this is because they have a belief that they are broken and need fixing).

    On the flip side, someone with high self worth may also spend some time and money on self development, not because they think they are broken, but because they value themselves and have high standards, even for themselves. 

    Do you see the difference?

    Buy a course, a book, or book a class or session with a practitioner that can help you grow and transform into an even better version of yourself!

    Related Post: My Top 7 Favorite Books for Feeling Empowered

    The act alone of spending money on yourself shows that you care enough about yourself to grow! This is a great way to express your high self worth.

    9. Nourish your body with healthy foods.

    Let me say this politely…. People with high self worth don’t eat crap all day!!!

    Why? Because eating crap = feeling like crap.

    People with high self worth value their bodies, their health, and how they feel.

    They don’t skip meals, eat fast food, or eat low-nutrient meals. 

    Related Post: 6 Baby Steps to Get Out of a Funk

    High value people take the time to prepare and eat healthy meals because they know the lifelong benefits of eating well! 

    So if you want to increase your self worth, say no to eating out all the time, head to the grocery store, and make some meals that you’ll enjoy and that will nourish your health!

    10. Ask for more.

    People with high self worth ask, demand, and expect the best out of others too!

    People with high self worth walk away from situations, relationships, and jobs that do not meet their expectations. 

    People with low self worth don’t make a fuss, are content with what is, and tolerate average.

    Don’t let this be you!

    Ask for a raise, for better treatment, for a better job, better service, a better house….anything! Whatever it is, people with high self worth know that they deserve the best!

    Related Post: How to Manifest Anything

    So let this be your sign to go out and ask for more!

    11. Do the inner work.

    If doing the previous 10 actions feel too difficult or overwhelming, you may need some more inner work to really rewire your self worth. 

    Low self worth can run deep. It can stem from childhood or traumatic experiences, and become deeply wired beliefs in your subconscious mind. 

    These beliefs carry emotions that can live in the fascia of your muscles and dysregulate the functions of your nervous system. 

    Needless to say, improving your self worth can take a little bit more effort for some people. 

    Here are some things I have tried that I believe will significantly help you rewire your subconscious mind and remove the stuck emotions from your body:

    • EFT Tapping

    • Hypnotherapy

    • Going to a breathwork class

    • IFS Therapy

    • Journaling 

    • Massage Therapy

    While some of these seem simple, they aren’t always easy. 

    Related Post: 4 Uncommon Reasons Why You Might Be Stuck in Survival Mode

    Processing big, stuck emotions needs to be done slowly and gently and preferably with a safe person to co-regulate with. 

    When you commit to doing any of these practices, over time your self worth will start to shift. 

    It may be the best you ever do!

    Final thoughts

    Raising your self worth is something you can literally do…starting right now!

    Don’t be afraid to stand out. Sometimes people that begin to raise their self worth are scared of other people responding poorly to their new life decisions. 

    While this is valid, please don’t let this keep you from stepping up and increasing your self worth. It is so worth it! 

    The transition can be rocky, but once you raise your self worth, your life really does magically change!

    People treat you better. 

    People start respecting you. 

    You feel better, and more confident. 

    You will attract better experiences, too.

    Overall, anyone can and SHOULD raise their self worth. Let me know in the comments if this was helpful and which of the 11 points did you need to hear the most?

    Emily Jane

    I’m a personal development blogger, educator, and coach. I’m a certified mindset coach, EFT practitioner, and hypnotherapist.

    I help women transform their lives by upgrading their self worth, releasing the past, and healing their stress response using subconscious rewiring techniques.


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